Case Management

Neighborhood provides voluntary care coordination and case management services for all of our members. We help them learn how to stay healthy, access needed resources and improve their quality of life. Our registered nurses and social support staff will work with members enrolled in the program, their families, providers, and community resource agencies to develop a plan of care that meets their needs in the most appropriate setting.

To determine whether a member is eligible for one of Neighborhood’s Case Management programs, please review your Provider Manual or contact Provider Services 1-800-963-1001, Monday through Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm.

Specialty Case Management Programs

Complex Case Management

Learn about case management for members with highly complex needs.

Bright Start

Learn about services and case management for members who are pregnant.

Communities of Care

Learn about our program for members who have used the emergency room four or more times in the last 12 months.

Home Care