Telma G
Member Services Supervisor
Member Services Department
How long have you worked at Neighborhood, what do you do here and what part of your job do you most enjoy?
I have worked at Neighborhood for 22 years! I started as a Member Services representative, and I am now a Member Services Supervisor. What I enjoy most about my position is working directly with our members and supporting my team. I am very thankful to have the opportunity to work with a great team.
What did you do before joining Neighborhood?
Prior to joining Neighborhood, I worked at TF Green Airport as a customer service agent, which ended after 911.
Of all the projects you have worked on at Neighborhood, do any stand out as being especially meaningful?
Throughout the years, I have had the pleasure of being part of different projects; I supported the HealthRules implementation, new PBM systems and Panviva to name a few. I worked with the team to prepare and get ready for the new systems. I have also been part of the creation of the new e-form process to improve department efficiencies.
Tell us a little bit about the years you spent growing up – sharing what helped shape your future.
Growing up, I lived in three different countries. I was born In Providence, Rhode Island, then moved to Canada for a few years, and then went to live with my parents in their native country, Guatemala. I remember enjoying my childhood, mostly in Guatemala. Living in my parents’ hometown gave me an opportunity to appreciate where I come from and appreciate more of life and nature.
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
I am married and have three children. I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling to new places and spending time with my doggies.

What advice or recommendations would you give to someone interested in the type of career you are in?
If the plan does not work, change the plan, but never the goal.