Rafael M
Clinical Engagement Coordinator
RHO Product Management
How long have you worked at Neighborhood, what do you do here, and what part of your job do you most enjoy?
I have worked at Neighborhood for seven years. What I enjoy most about my position as a Clinical Engagement Coordinator is being able to engage with our members and provide them with the help they need each day.
What did you do before joining Neighborhood?
Before joining Neighborhood, I have always been very involved in the community by providing guidance and mentorship to people of all different ages. I was a Chaplain of the Juvenile Correctional Department and served as the Pastor of Faith Moving Mountains Church in Johnston for 12 years. I believe that these positions have equipped me to be able to provide others with the love, care, attention, and service that they deserve.
Of all the projects you have worked on at Neighborhood, do any stand out as being especially meaningful?
I am the chairperson of the Faith in the Office Employee Resource Group (ERG). This ERG is designed to promote peace, harmony, and unity among all departments and leaders while aligning with Neighborhood’s mission.

Tell us a little bit about the years you spent growing up – sharing what helped shaped your future.
I grew up in Providence. Prior to graduating from high school, I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ that changed my life forever. This experience took me from a place of no purpose and defeat to a place full of purpose and victory. As a result, I grew up passionate about helping and serving others, by being a good example, and by being a positive influence for everyone.
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Outside of work, I do full time ministry with my wife and three children. My life is fully committed and dedicated to community service.

Share a fun fact with us. Something about you that others might find surprising or intriguing?
Here is a list of fun facts about myself: I am a musician, a singer, a rapper, a former break dancer, and I enjoy playing “Call of Duty” on the PS5.
What advice or recommendations would you give to someone interested in the type of career you are in?
Do whatever you do, as if you were doing it for your creator.